Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Stretching it out

As funny as it might sound, one of my 2012 goals is being able to reach down and touch my toes without bending my knees.  My flexibility has always been horrible.  I remember being in the fifth grade and doing the president's fitness test. If you have forgotten what it is, see below:
The Presidential Physical Fitness Test recognizes students for their level of physical fitness in five activities:
  • Curl-ups (or partial curl-ups)
  • Shuttle run
  • Endurance run/walk
  • Pull-ups (or right angle push-ups or flexed-arm hang)
  • V-sit reach (or sit and reach)
Curl-ups, shuttle run, endurance run, and pull-ups...easy.  The sit and reach, well it made me want to go back home and play Zelda.  I recall feeling so embarrassed, to the point of wondering if my performance in this grade school activity would prevent me from being cool and getting ladies in the future (I soon realized it was my fondness for turtleneck sweaters and NKOTB that kept the ladies away.)
image courtesy of blisyoga.org

Fast forward twenty something years and I still would perform horribly at the V-sit.  Therefore, I have taken a proactive approach to improving my stretching game...I signed up for Yoga for the Stiff Guy.  Seriously, that was the name of the program offered at the Decatur Yoga & Pilates. This class was the perfect setting.  Filled with about 20 other guys like me who absolutely STINK at stretching.  My only worry after entering the class was thinking about who I would blame if I happened to fart...fortunately that never happened. 

It did not take much or long for me to fall in love with yoga. The absolutely calm feeling after a class. I am so relaxed that I do not even get upset when the silly car in front of me stops at the flashing yellow light (dumb driver.) I really cannot get enough of it.  While I am still unable to touch my toes with straight knees I feel it is making a significant impact on my body. 

image courtesy of oldschooltrainer.com

As it relates to running, I also think the yoga is helping improve my performance.  I have always focused on strength training and as a result I have always had a very strong lower body, but being a 220lb super muscle man who can dead lift 505lbs is not ideal for endurance running. Sure the strength is good but carrying that weight gets tough over 32+ miles. Heck, it is tough no matter how far you go.  Therefore creating lean muscle, which yoga and stretching does, I believe will significantly benefit my running.  Only time will tell but thus far I do think it is helping and I WILL TOUCH THOSE TOES SOON!

What about you...are you a pre-run stretcher, or do you hate stretching?  Are you too macho for yoga, or have you had a sip of the yoga kool-aid?

See ya out there!
Todd "the yogi"

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