Personally I have always been more of a solo act but more recently I have started running with groups. Due to my ever-changing weekly work schedule it is different to meet up with groups, so I usually run solo. That said, when I am in Atlanta during the week there is one group that I really enjoy to meet up with on Thursday and Saturday.
Thursday is all business. We meet at a local restaurant at 7p but nobody really shows up until about 7:10p and we run about 4.5 miles. These days are quick. While we all run the same course at some point testosterone peeks its little head and splinter groups form. On Thursday you are only a stud if you finish in the first group, or at least that is what the voice in my head tells me.
Saturday is a much more relaxed run. Typically ranging anywhere from 9-13 miles, we run at a slower pace and chat about anything and everything. For example, when I wear my Vibram Five Fingers, people always want to talk about them. Are they comfortable? Can you run far in them? Do you want us to slow down?Can you actually feel those rocks you ran on? Or they make outrageous claims such as they are no good...etc. The group and the chit-chat actually makes this run much more enjoyable. The constantly conversation, bragging, and poking fun of one another takes the mind off other stressful things in life. The run always ends with grabbing a cup of joe from the local coffee shop, Octane, and walking a couple blocks back to our cars.
If you have decided to read on this far you might be asking yourself, what does this all mean? Well, this past weekend I ran my first Endurance Race. It was 12 hours of running around a 1.03 mile loop. Initially I thought I would absolutely kill it, even claiming to a good friend (Jerry) that I would get to 50 miles but that was just my ego talking. Besides I have actually never ran more than a 50k and have certainly not trained enough to scratch 50 miles! What a dope.
After running for about 4 solid hours I decided to ask my wife to walk a lap with me. She obliged and it was probably the most fun I had ever had during a race. She told me all about how our little Bernacrazy threw up in the car on the way to doggie day care and how bad it (her car) now smelled. We walked together a total of five times that day. It was an awesome opportunity to combine one of my favorite things with my absolute favorite person. In fact, had she not been at the race and pacing me I probably would have cut out early but instead I made it for about 7 full hours and racked up 35 miles.
So no matter what your choice is, sometimes running with someone makes the day/race/trail and most importantly the memories that much more enjoyable.
See you out there!