Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Hot to the touch

In honor of my brother's birthday and cinco de mayo, I made some guacamole this past weekend.  It is a fairly simple recipe and takes very little time at all.  Because I like all five or six of you that read this nonsense, here is the recipe. 
  • 8 Avocados
  • 4 Jalapeno Peppers
  • 2 Habanero Peppers
  • 1/2 Red Onion
  • Cilantro
  • 2 Limes
  • Sea Salt to taste
First, make sure the avocados you purchase are super soft and squishy.  Cut them in half and scrape the contents into a big bowl.  Mix them up until they look like green mashed potatoes.  Keep the pit(s) on the side for later.  Next cut up the peppers, onion, and cilantro.  Once you have diced them up nice and small add them to the mashed up avocados. Cut up the limes and squeeze them into the mixture.  Finally add the salt to taste.  If you are like me, you will add a good little bit of salt.  Stir it up nice and good then throw those pits from the avocados that you saved back into the bowl.  Sure that sounds strange but it helps keep the guac green.  At this point you can begin to chow down or place it in the fridge and cool it off.
  *For best results get some good blue corn tortilla chips and Corona* 

Now, what could this possibly have to do with running?  Well as you know, peppers are hot to taste and often hot to the touch.  After making this bad-boy guac I went for a run in the brutal Georgia heat (92 degrees and HUMID).  Probably a pretty bad idea but what is more is that I did not wash my hands after making the guac.  So needless to say when I wiped the sweat from my brow, my head and face started to burn from the Habanero pepper.  It unfortunately made my little run less than fun.  Do not make the same mistakes I do...wash your hands! 



  1. Ask Jerry about going to the bathroom after cutting up peppers (habaneros to be exact), I know I shouldn't have but I've never laughed so hard...

    1. I can only imagine. My face was burning bad enough...can only imagine the pain in other places. Yikes!

  2. I actually cut up some jalapenos last night for some pulled pork, washed my hands twice, and still burned my eyes an hour later when I forgot and rubbed them. That pepper oil stays on the skin FOREVER.

    1. Yeah man. Can be pretty brutal. Check out this link...aside from laughing at people butchering the spelling of words, it also provides some possible solutions if you ever need help again. http://www.tipking.co.uk/tip/7275.html
