Monday, January 30, 2012

Short and sweet!


Today was a day. 

Typically I will take Monday off, in terms of working out, but today I felt like mixing it up a bit.  I struggled to find the perfect workout...should I ride my bike while participating on a conference call? Nah.  What about a little run with the Bernapooch?  Not feeling it.  What about a swim?  No dice...not a YMCA member, yet.  Maybe a crossfit workout?  Sure!  So I decided to do the Griff, the HERO wod.  Griff consists of an 800m sprint followed by a 400m sprint backwards...twice. 

Yeah, running backwards in public is kinda strange.  Therefore I was hoping that if I left late enough the track would be empty...not quite.  Not only was there an event at the school, but there was also a boot camp going on.  As I walked up to the track I thought, should I just bag this workout an run around the track like a normal human?  I decided to jog a half mile and then come to a conclusion.  I decided to do the wod as planned. If you were me, would you have switched the workout to look like a regular person? 

As I toe the line I figured that the 800m sprint would be difficult but I could catch my breath on the backwards portion.  I flew (flew is relative as I am a big dude who is not super duper fast) through the first 800m in just under 3 minutes but then came the backwards portion and it was brutal.  At this point, not only did I look silly but my quads were burning.  Finished the first mile at 7:03 and the entire workout in 11:33...tough, very tough but quick and fun.

See ya out there!

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